Friends For Life: Against All Odds

I Run Because Every Animal Matters

Written by: Louie Matta of Friends For Life 

A hush fell over the Friends For Life team gathered in the hospital as the doctor told us the chance our beloved teammate would survive her traumatic brain injury was about 10%. Looking at Alese in that state, needing a machine to help her breathe, we’d never have imagined that a year later, we’d see her lacing up her shoes to run (and complete) the Aramco Houston Half Marathon.

As Friends For Life has grown over the last 15 years, so has our connection to the Houston Marathon Weekend of events and the organization as a whole. Our passionate team spirit, our love of running and our commitment to our mission have resulted in Friends For Life winning several Run for a Reason competitions. These include the Runner’s Choice Charity Award and the Houston Marathon Charity Challenge. Inspired by Alese’s journey, last January we fielded a team of 98 marathon, half marathon, and 5k competitors who helped raise $100,000 for the shelter.


Since 2002, Friends For Life has had a unique place in the animal community. An alternative to shelters operating in the same 150-year-old model, we treat animals who would not make it into or out of other shelter programs alive. We hold multiple trademarks in new programs that save thousands of previously “unsavable” animal lives. Our Fix Houston™ program stabilizes community cat populations. Cutting-edge matching software in Friendr™ matches long-stay animals with adopters. Thinking Outside the Shelter™ treats thousands of animals for Houstonians in need and distributes over 75 tons of free animal food. STEP™ behavior training program has trained 25% of the Certified Professional Dog Trainers in Houston and 75% of the professional animal behavior consultants in Houston. We mentor over 200 shelters worldwide.

The Chevron Houston Marathon Run for a Reason charity program helps connect us with much-needed ground-swell of resources through racing. We are one of 60 charity non-profits that partner with the marathon so that participants can fundraise for their registration or fundraise for our non-profit after purchasing their registration to add meaning to their training miles and race day memories. 

Our team member Alese and her passion for this unique shelter as well as racing for her health is an anchor for our community. Her role in saving lives drove her recovery. We are inspired by the Houston Marathon Committee and proud to be the only no-kill animal shelter partnering with race participants to make a positive impact in the city where we all work, live, and play.

Watch Alese’s inspiring journey here:

“I run for Friends For Life. I run because every animal matters.”

– Alese, Run for a Reason HERO Athlete